Well, with just under two weeks to go until we kick off the 2014 season of Soften the Grey down at the Bike Shed in Exeter, we thought it fitting to have a look at some of the fun we had touring the show last year. Back in August we were at the gorgeous Ventnor Fringe Festival on our favourite island, the Isle of Wight. As part of the publicity for the show we did this great little interview for a local podcast, and performed an excerpt of the show. Have a listen here: https://m.soundcloud.com/ventnorfringe/prufrock-coffee-pidge Works well as a radio play doesn't it? Hmm... that's an idea... Right, well that's all for now, but there shall be more posts from the Vault soon! In the meantime, why don't you grab your tickets for the Bike Shed? Book here: http://www.bikeshedtheatre.co.uk/whats-on/soften-the-grey/ Goodbye for now 6Footers, speak soon!